
StateChecker can be installed directly on the APIC as an ACI app or deployed in standalone mode.

Currently, the APIC imposes a 2G memory limit and a 10G disk quota on stateful applications. If an operator needs to create and maintain a large number of snapshots or to manage multiple fabrics within a single instance of the application, it may be beneficial to run the application in standalone mode.

App Mode

app mode is when the application is deployed and run on the APIC. The most recent public release can be downloaded from ACI AppCenter. After downloading the app, follow the directions for uploading and installing the app on the APIC:

Users can also build the app from source prior to installing on the APIC. See the Building ACI Application to build the app as an ACI application from source.

Standalone Mode

standalone mode allows the application to run on a dedicated host, VM, or container controlled by the operator and make remote connections to the APIC to collect the required data. There are a few options for deploying the app in standalone mode below. Once deployed, the default credentials for logging into the application are:

  • username: admin
  • password: cisco

Pre-build OVA


Details to come

Manual Install

The app has been developed to be deployed as an all-in-one container. This relaxes the requirements on the host machine as everything will be dynamically installed when the container is built. The only requirements on the host/VM is the following:

  • git
  • docker
  • linux or macOS


Deployment scripts are written in bash and have not been tested on Windows. Want to get the build script working in windows? Feel free to submit a pull request!

To begin, use git to clone the source repository:

$ git clone

Next execute the script with the -s flag to deploy the application in standalone mode. By default the build script will deploy the application running on http port (p) 5000 and https port (P) 5001. You can customize these ports using the -p and -P flags, respectively.

$ ./statechecker/build/ -h

Help documentation for ./statechecker/build/
    -i [image] docker image to bundled into app (.tgz format)
    -h display this help message
    -k [file] private key uses for signing app
    -P [https] https port when running in standalone mode
    -p [httsp] http port when running in standalone mode
    -r relax build checks (ensure tools are present but skip version check)
    -s build and deploy container for standalone mode
    -v [file] path to intro video (.mp4 format)
    -x send local environment proxy settings to container during build

$ ./statechecker/build/ -s
2018-09-07T19:23:16 check build tools: backend
2018-09-07T19:23:16 checking following dependencies: docker
2018-09-07T19:23:16 all build tool dependencies met
2018-09-07T19:23:16 deploying standalone container Cisco/StateChangeChecker:1.0
2018-09-07T19:23:16 building container
Successfully tagged aci/statechangechecker:1.0
2018-09-07T19:23:16 starting container

You can validate that the container is running on the configured ports via:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                         NAMES
c81a139aed67        aci/statechangechecker:1.0   "/bin/sh -c $BACKEND…"   17 minutes ago      Up 17 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp   statechangechecker_1.0

Once deployed you can access the application on the host and port number you configured. If running on a local machine with default options, you would access the site at http://localhost:5000.


the build script will mount the source code as a read only directory within the container. Any development should be done on the host, not the container. Similarly, if the source code is removed from the host it will cause the application running in the container to fail.

Building ACI Application

If you are unable to download the app from the appstore or need to build from source to resolve a bug or enhancement, you can build the application from source. On the development environment, you’ll need to have the following installed:

  • git
  • docker
  • zip
  • python2.7 + pip
  • Node.js v9.8.0
  • Npm v5.8.0

First, clone the source code repo. From within the source directory, use pip to install the packager dependencies. Finally, execute the script.


If using a node or npm version higher than that listed in the requirements, used the -r flag during the build process.

$ git clone
$ cd ./statechecker
$ pip install build/app_package/cisco_aci_app_tools-1.1_min.tar.gz
$ ./build/